The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His Love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joys. ~Zephaniah 3:17~

Monday, March 12, 2012

It's me again

I stayed away from blogging so my written words did not get me into trouble.  Can't understand why it is that the courts say dads need to be more involved with their kids but then, as the child ages, the fathers time gets less. 

Waylon should have had Devon over spring break but because he is not in school, it is up to the discretion of the custodial parent on whether or not the non-custodial parent can have the child during that time.  Guess which direction Waylon's ex went.??   After not letting Waylon have Devon, she asks Waylon, again, if they can't get back together.  Waylon did not answer so her wedding with this guy she is living with, is still on.  Yet, in Texas, they believe the mother is the better parent and therefore should have more say so in the child's life.  Of course, if I had had $10,000 available at the time of the divorce, Waylon probably could have gotten full custody.  However, even though she attempted suicide in front of a 1 1/2 yr old, she is still determined to be a better parent because she did call for someone to come get Devon after she slit her wrists. 

Hey, that came out pretty good.  No written curse words.  No *&@^#40 . 

Needless to say, God and I have had some silence between us, some chosen words on my part and some crying etc.  Glad He is God and can handle my haywire emotions, my anger, my upteen jillion whys!!


  1. Waylon's ex sounds like a real EGR (extra grace required) type. In the interests of being forgiving, I won't comment on the court system. And I don't think having the emotions over this that any sane person would have is Haywire.

  2. Never heard of EGR but I like it. I was listening to Creflo Dollar the other day and he was speaking about a Jezebel spirit. That is my ex-daughter-in-law.

  3. I think I learned EGR in Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life class years ago.
