In the very wee hours of this morning, God taught me "The Lesson of the Glasses".
On the left is us before we accept Christ. We get up in the morning and put on our Mr. Magoo glasses. Our view of life is distorted by what the world says we should wear, what we should look like, what size home we live in, the car we should drive, the social life we should be living, ............
When we accept Christ, we get a new pair of glasses. They have a red tint and no, they are not rose colored glasses. They are Son glasses. Get a mental picture of God putting them on. Now when God looks at us, He sees us through the shed blood of his Son, Jesus Christ. He sees the purity, perfection and holiness of Jesus Christ because we are IN Christ. (the "in red" portion of the post was given to me by Candi Reeves)
What do we see when we put them on? We see life through the eyes of Jesus. We care more for the people who are hurting than for us hurting people. Our homes, our cars, our jobs become tools that God uses in our lives to reach out to others.
Sadly, there are days when I realize that I have not thrown away my Mr. MaGoo glasses, that I have chosen to wear them instead of the beautiful Son glasses I was given.
Lord, let me remember to always wear my Son glasses so that I see others as you do.
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